The International Federation of Infection Control

Where great minds meet

World Hand Hygiene Day 2025

It might be gloves. It's always hand hygiene

About WHHD 2025

In 2025, WHO celebrates 17 years of this global campaign. The 2025 SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands campaign day coincides with the need for countries to rapidly consider implementation of the global action plan and monitoring framework on infection prevention and control (IPC)


International Journal of Infection Control

Volume 21


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NEW - WHO Risk assessment tool for identifying and managing health and care workers with a potential occupational exposure to mpox virus

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New guidance aims to reduce bloodstream infections from catheter use

The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes the first global guidelines to prevent the occurrence of bloodstream and other infections caused by use of catheters placed in minor blood vessels during medical procedures.

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IFIC was formally founded in 1987, when discussion between IC practitioners around the globe had highlighted the need to have an international gathering of specialists, to exchange knowledge, information, and to offer mutual support.



To enable best practices that prevent and control infections globally by leading international networking, advocacy, education, research and collaboration with infection control professionals, organizations and communities.



To improve infection prevention and control throughout the world regardless of location and circumstances.



IFIC Administration
St James House
Vicar Lane
S1 2EX
Registered Charity - registration number 1072681


World Hand Hygiene Day 2024Draft advert for SC Johnson Canada