Whenever a Trustee retirement falls due at end of the year, no later than one hundred and ten (110) days before the AGM a notice is sent out to members inviting nominations in accordance with the election procedures approved by the trustees and setting a date for their submission.
These nominations shall be from the geographical area that has created the vacancy, to ensure a balanced distribution in accordance with article 64.
Completed nomination forms shall be forwarded to the secretary. A nomination form can only be accepted if it:
If more than one nomination is received for a vacant position, an election will be held by way of an online ballot.
The Electoral Committee shall put in place security measures to provide reasonable assurance that only members entitled to vote are allowed and that no member is allowed to vote more than once.
The ballot document is to be sent to members no less than forty (40) days before the AGM. A minimum voting period of at least thirty (30) days shall apply.
Counting shall be performed by the Electoral Committee, with no less than two scrutineers overseeing the process
The Electoral Committee will then submit the result to the secretary not less than five (5) days before the AGM.
The candidate who obtains the majority of votes from amongst those standing for election will be deemed to have been elected.
In the event of a tied ballot, the trustees will undertake a secret election amongst them between the tied candidates. If this still does not result in a clear result, the Chair will pass a casting vote
A signed report of the ballot shall be submitted to the trustees and to the AGM by the secretary