

The IFIC Board has a variable number of members, currently 12. The Chair, Treasurer, and Honorary Secretary comprise the Executive, supported by the elected Trustees (Directors).There are usually 11 Trustees, 2 each from geographical areas A and B, plus a fifth from either of them. Geographical areas C,D, E, F and G have one representative each. The Chair is independent of any regional affiliation or representation.

IFIC member societies are invited to nominate one of their members to a vacant position on the IFIC board whenever a vacancy arises. Should there be more than one nomination from a given geographical area, an election will be held amongst all societies in that region.

Whenever possible, the nominating society financially supports the elected Trustee’s IFIC activities for their 4 year term of office. This will usually include attendance to the Board meetings twice a year (one to include the Conference) in person and by teleconference as necessary. IFIC will offer financial support for these activities to members elected from regions C to G if required.

The Board is additionally supported in its activities by a number of roles, such as the Journal Editor, Conferences Committee Chair, Membership Committee Chair, and the Chair of the Publications Committee, if and when these activities are not carried out by Board members.

Support services are delivered by Moore Engage Ltd.

Further details can be seen in the Bylaws/Constitution


Publications Subcommittee

Raman Sardarna, Thierry Lavigne

Education Subcommittee


Conference Subcommittee

Terri Lee

Membership Subcommittee

Andrea Grisold

Website Subcommittee

Neil Wigglesworth

Finance Subcommittee

Administration - contact


IFIC Administration
St James House
Vicar Lane
S1 2EX
Registered Charity - registration number 1072681
